A board was formed of twenty stakeholders to provide strategic direction and oversight of a critical 25-year-long, multi-£M, regeneration project. Funding had been sourced and the board needed to come together and align around a common and shared vision for the venture.
The board overseeing this important re-development project were passionate about making a positive difference to the lives of tenants, residents, and other lessees but when it came to exactly how, they found it difficult to agree. Opinions varied, emotions were running high, and the clock was ticking: the pressure was on the board to reach alignment so the project could get underway without incurring liquidating damages through being late running.
Given the large size of the board, two teamGenie® coaches worked with the board. After some individual advanced preparations, the workshop started with board members working in smaller sub-groups to a create safe environment. The teamGenie® coaches worked creatively with both text and graphics to tease out what was important to everyone on the board and identify specific agendas, hopes and concerns. The output was then consolidated and synthesised by the full board to distil out the critical elements, allowing a single project vision to emerge. Commitment was sought and came in the form of public declarations to individual board members alignment to this vision, many of which were delivered with considerable enthusiasm!
The board emerged fully aligned to a single, shared vision, which is already adding clarity, coherence, and energy to the objectives they need to accomplish to deliver the project!
Independent Board Member: “It was really great to see you in action with the Board members… We have reflected on how really impressed we were with how you managed the board development session.”
Project Chair: “Thank you again for hosting the session. I thought it was an excellent workshop and it was great to see how you got fellow board members getting so involved.”
Board secretary: “… many thanks for a great board workshop session yesterday.”